Comic Books

AIR #1

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 1.0%


Muady08/24/08YesRead Review
edward08/23/08NoRead Review
SunnyvaleTrash08/21/08NoRead Review
LazarusBoy08/20/08NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.5
Users who pulled this comic:


  1. Cant wait to read this one.  The teasers really have me cheering for this one.

  2. 40 pages… $2.99…and it sounds good!

    I am IN 

  3. Im in, the sample pages that have been popping up recently have me very intrigued.

  4. haven’t really heard about it.. But due to me needing something to read, I’ll be checking it out.

  5. This sounds pretty intriguing. And that cover is really nice. I’ll probably take a look in trade.

  6. @ActualButt, where can I take a sneak peek at those pages?

  7. @BatStewie – there have been previews in House of Mystery and probably other Vertigo books. I found one here:

    I didn’t actually think it looked that great. and until today decided I wasn’t going to pick it up. But since I’m picking up fuck all else this week I’ve changed my mind and decided to give it a try. 

  8. THANKS!

  9. im VERY VEY excited for this it looks and feels like a LOST storyline

  10. For the price and potential… I’m going to go out on a limb this week and get this instead of that horrid X-Factor.

  11. @rayclark, why lost? cuz its on a plane? this seems like something totally different than anything else right now.

  12. the preview didn’t hook me, but I feel obliged to try out Vertigo books and support them.  Maybe I’ll buy the first arc and see what I think.

  13. Anything written by Woodrow Wilson has to be good!

  14. This was pretty good. POTW contender imo.

  15. Enjoyable.  Frantic and fast-paced.  Nice clean art to keep it in check.  Definitely going to stay on for the first arc. 

  16. Not too shabby!

    It would have benefited from a variant monkey cover, but the plot was intriguing and the pacing was fun.

    The inking and dialogue were a little off for my tastes… but I’ll keep reading! 

  17. I don’t know what to think of this book… I didn’t… get it the first time and it was a bit jumpy with the time everything so I was a mite lost and then… boom? I dunno… Feels a bit meh to me…

  18. @Gunga: Felt the same way my friend.

    This looked like a new comic series to get into….But then actually reading it is a diffrent story. Man it just went on for too long…I still dont even know what the point of this book is. If you guys like it that’s fine, but to me I’m ashamed I bought this and I will not acknowledge a pull for this site.

  19. I thought it was… basically good… but not good enough to warrant an ongoing. I don’t really think I’m going to keep buying it.

  20. It was a bit crap really wasn’t it?

  21. I had alot of fun reading this. the last few pages had me flying through but the ending and the hook for issue#2 was abit of a letdown. I’m not sure if Wilson laid down enough ground work for a strong series, I haven’t read anything by her previously yet, but I hope this book gets better as it goes along. I’m looking forward to #2 nontheless.

  22. @deadspace yeah. a bit. I had some interesting concepts but the whole thing was pulled off a little crappilly and the charachters didn’t behave like real people. Just kind of lackluster.

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